Play video & live stream online
Terms of ServiceUpdated May 27, 2020

This is a binding agreement between CASTR LIVE STREAMING, INC. (“Castr”), a video streaming service provider, and you as a person at least sixteen (16) years old and, if applicable, the company or other legal entity you represent (collectively, “you”).This agreement incorporates by reference:
  • The privacy policy,
  • The acceptable use policy,
  • The paywall terms of use,
  • PayPal service terms if using PayPal to make payments or collect viewer payments via the paywall, and
  • The trademark guidelines, as these policies and terms may be modified on an ongoing basis by Castr or its affiliates at their sole discretion from time to time.
By accessing the Castr platform and/or services, by clicking the “accept” button for this agreement, or by accepting any modification to this agreement in accordance with section 2 below, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, including clauses on payments, cancellations, and refunds.

If you are entering into this agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you confirm that you have the legal authority to bind the legal entity to this agreement, in which case “you” shall mean such entity. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this agreement, you must select the “decline” button and you may not use the services provided by Castr.
This Agreement Includes the following Sections:
  • The Services
  • Modifications to this Agreement
  • Term Termination and Suspension
  • Authorization and License to Use the Services
  • Acceptable Use Policy and Service Terms
  • License to Use Castr Properties
  • Downtime and Service Suspensions; Security
  • Fees
  • Confidentiality
  • Intellectual Property
  • Representations and Warranties; Disclaimers; Limitations of Liability
  • Indemnification
  • U.S. Government License Rights; Import and Export Compliance
  • Notices
  • Language
  • Miscellaneous Provisions
1. The ServicesThe services covered by this Agreement include both free services that Castr and its affiliates (referred to together herein as “we” or “us”) make available for no fee (the “Free Services”), and services that we make available for a fee (the “Paid Services”). The Free Services and the Paid Services are referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “Services.” Each Free Service and Paid Service is referred to individually as a “Service.”1.1. Free ServicesThe Free Services include but are not limited to:
  • Trial Accounts
  • The Streaming Bandwidth Calculator
  • The “Viewer” section of the Castr Website
  • Support for trial accounts or support provided in excess of that described for each of the Paid Services
1.2. Paid ServicesThe Paid Services include any and all web services and related support services that we make available to you for a fee, except those web services for which we specifically provide a separate customer agreement. Our Paid Services include, but are not limited to:
  • All Monthly and Yearly Streaming Services Plans (Monthly Plans and Yearly Plans )
  • Streaming Services sold on a prepaid basis (Event Plans, Storage Plans, Transcoding, Overage Protection)
  • Castr dashboard
  • Castr Pay Per View Paywall (the Paywall)
  • File storage overages
  • Castr Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
  • The 7-day refund policy applies only if there’s an issue with the system that our support team is unable to solve. There will not be any refunds issued if you didn’t face issues using our service, our billing team has the complete right to decline the refunds.
We may, at our sole discretion and without notice:

(a) begin charging fees for a Free Service, in which case such Service will thereafter be deemed a Paid Service, or

(b) cease charging fees for a Paid Service, in which case such Service will thereafter be deemed a Free Service.

In the event that the usage limits set forth in Paid Services are exceed during given period of the Paid Services, Customer will be charged over-usage fees accordingly, based on Castr’s then-applicable rate. For more details on overage fees, please check out the FAQ section on pricing page or reach out to Castr customer support.

Paid Services, such as Custom RTMP Destinations, or scheduler may be made available for functional testing at no charge with Trial Accounts. In such cases, Castr is under no obligation to support the tested services beyond the expiration of the Trial Account, nor to make payouts to the user of any monies collected during the Trial Account period (see Section 3.5.4).
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